Bicycle Parking/Storage Arrangements

Bicycling culture experienced within the urban area has been used as the modern mode of transport. As the active mode of transportation, bicycling integrates physical activities, hence making it an alternative attractive urban transport compared to the automobile. Cycling has been associated with public health benefits that range from physical and mental health improvement. Health benefits include a reduction in obesity, decreased cases and risks of cardiovascular diseases among others. Cycling contributes to environmental benefits such as reduction of noise and air pollution as well as greenhouse gas emissions. As the number of cyclist increases in the urban areas, there is a need for enhancing the cycling infrastructure. Cycling infrastructure increases the potential benefits that are associated with bicycling as the mode of transportation (Reynolds et al, 2009).
One influencing factor in cycling decision is the presence of secure and convenient bicycle parking. In order to encourage the urban cycling culture, decent parking infrastructures are supposed to be provided conveniently to workplaces and railway stations (Thompson et al, 1999).  These conventional bicycles parking include weatherproof infrastructures covering the lockers, and the stands. Ad hoc packing helps the cyclists to lock their bicycles to ensure the safety while they undertake their daily activities. In the bicycle parking, there is a need for other infrastructures such as lockers, changing rooms and even showering facilities. These facilities are essential for working class cyclists who need to wear special clothes like business suits and uniforms depending on their daily activities (Reetz et al, 2014). In these situations, the infrastructure and facilities help them to change as they start their daily working routine.
The effectiveness of using the bike and its facilities indicates the appropriateness in the roadways, bike lane, straightaway, and intersections. These infrastructures are essential in the determination of appropriate landscape, streets, and lands. The increased cycling culture has become prominent in the cities whereby the workers and college students. Therefore, cycling has been accepted in the modern world, and hence infrastructural facilities are supposed to be improved to meet the accepted standards.
The length of time a bicycle is stored depends on how much parking space is created. In case of short-term parking,  parking facilities are made of “spike” anchor and must be inspected for damage to the racks and anchors. In addition, paint should be well maintained and designed to ensure that bicycles do not disappear. On the other hands, long-term parking has to be checked the functioning of moving parts and periodically changed keys or codes. Their fence must be in good condition and be installed with security lights and cameras.

Reetz, N., Loukus, A., Taylor, K., & Dixon, M. (2014). Investigating the Effects of Mediated and Passive Prompts on Pedestrian and Bicycle Lane Adherence on a College Campus Footbridge. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. 34(2), 144-155.

Reynolds, C., Harris, M., Teschke, K., Cripton, P., & Winters, M. (2009). The impact of transportation infrastructure on bicycling injuries and crashes: a review of the literature. Environmental Health. Retrieved from

Thompson, D., Thompson, R., Rivera, F., & Wolf, M. (1999). A Case-Control Study of the Effectiveness of Bicycle Safety Helmets in Preventing Facial Injury. American Journal of Public Health. 80(12), 1471-1474.
Written by Sara Urbina
Edited by Minju Kim


  1. I totally agree with the necessity to make other infrastructure such as lockers and showering facilities to encourage people to commute by cycling. It might be more effective to make people ride bikes while they commute than just increasing the link of bicycle lanes.

  2. My workplace provides secure, convenient bike parking, and renovated the bottom floor restrooms into locker rooms specifically for bike commuters. This prompted me to begin biking to work and inspired some of my coworkers to purchase a bike! My place of work is a very small example of the effects that could be seen by prioritizing biking infrastructure and facilities.

    In class we've discussed transit oriented development (TOD) but I think it would be an interesting exercise to brainstorm biking oriented development!


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